Advanced Sports Chiropractic and Massage is pleased to welcome Jaren Hoppe-Leonard to our practice. Jaren is a former caregiver for adults with developmental disabilities and has a background in providing massage for cancer, hospice, and dementia patients.
Jaren began working in massage therapy in 2015, when he graduated from Whatcom Community College’s Massage Program.

“I was drawn to study massage therapy out of an interest to learn more about the body, how it works, moves, releases, heals, and grows,” Jaren said. “This curiosity is what keeps me practicing, always reading, studying, and taking classes to learn more.”
Jaren’s Massage Style: Blended and Customized
When it comes to his
“I’m trained in treatment and relaxation massage, deep tissue, structural work, and light touch techniques, and I blend them together based on client need,” he said. “I practice being present with each client listening to what they say and what their tissue tells me, and following that information in treatment.”
Welcome Jaren with $20 Off Your Massage
In celebration of Jaren AND our 13th anniversary this month, buy up to 5 massages for $50 each through March 31! Use code JAREN at checkout.
Use Code JAREN at Checkout. Valid through March 31, 2019