Fall Updates from Bellingham Chiropractor Dr. Bob Curtis

  • October 17, 2022

Fall Updates from Bellingham Chiropractor Dr. Bob Curtis

Good fortune finds me with some spare time and several things to share with my patients: A bit about me, my continued health and the search for it, business, and self-care. 

I believe one of my last blogs talked about the procedure I had done on my lower back called DiscSeel. For those who don’t remember, I have a severely degenerated disc in my low back from my rowing career in college, along with three others on their way to getting worse. 

I am fortunate that I found an alternative to another, fusion-type surgery, that may have been in my near future. As of October, and most of the year, I have noticed improvements in the stability of my spine with movement and loading.

I almost feel like I can do anything again! I know it sounds corny, but it is true. I can run a bit more, hike and carry heavy loads, run upstairs, and lift weights – all of which would have caused me issues a year and a half ago. 

While I have other ailments to share with you, my low back proves to be stable and stronger than ever.

My feet…damn. I don’t want to say Plantar Fasciitis, but it is possible. I don’t have the hallmark symptoms, but the heel and foot pain, soreness, and tiredness from being on my feet have become a year-long off-and-on issue. Now, more “on” as I return from a week of running around in the mountains. 

As is my Sherlock Holmes-like thinking around all subjects health and injury, I don’t fully believe I have Plantar Fasciitis. My upper calf muscles have been TIGHT for months, likely due to my workouts, which have consisted of running stairs 2 times per week, carrying heavy sandbags up and down those stairs, mountain biking, and running a little. 

Basic research informed me that my gastrocnemius muscle (the round, bulky, upper part of your calf muscle), is tight. Why? Maybe too much foot/calf work with stairs, stairs, and more stairs! So, I am finding creative ways to stretch my gastrocnemius’ (a mouth full), resting, stretching, and using other soft tissue techniques to help reduce the overall tension. Give me a few weeks, and I’ll likely have this figured out, I hope.

If you haven’t been in lately (and maybe you should), come see our new building at 2216 Cornwall Ave. I feel so fortunate we accomplished a 6-year effort to bring you a brand new clinic to care for you amazing people.

To keep it quick and simple, the Cornwall Medical Center houses Advanced Sports Chiropractic and my wife’s business (Mt. Shuksan Family Medicine and Dermatology). 

My massage therapists, now 4 (all fully credentialed with most major health insurance plans), practice in the Cornwall Wellness and Massage building, just across the parking lot from us. If you need a massage, I have FOUR excellent massage therapists, and they would love to see you.

I was super stressed before and after we opened our new building. There was so much to do, and I was neglecting my health, not exercising, and not doing much other than sleeping and working. April rolled by, and my neck pain, shoulder stiffness, and mid-back tightness got so bad I was having daily headaches, muscle tightness, pain, and insomnia. Finally, I realized I needed to get an adjustment (maybe you too?), get several massages (how about you?), and take a few breaks from all the stress of my busy life. 

So, I got adjusted several times, got a massage, and WOW, did I feel a whole ton better. One massage was all it took to change how I slept, functioned, and existed at work. It was a miracle, not really, but it sure changed my symptoms and overall function. 

What it showed me was how I needed to change a pattern, recognize I needed to do some self-care, prioritize myself first in my busy life, and put in place the correct things for a healthier life. 

For me, that was Chiropractic adjustments, massage, better rest, and more exercise.

So, if you are feeling some, any, or all of this, and you haven’t been in for a while, consider making your health a priority. It doesn’t take much, or long, to change your path of tolerating discomfort and pain, to improve upon this, and live a better life. I am here to help you, so think of me as your New Years’ Resolution – in October – so you can start feeling better now instead of in January.

Enjoy your Fall season, and ask for the rain to come now!

To good health and happiness,

Dr. Bob Curtis, DC, CCSP

Spine Care Physician

Advanced Sports Chiropractic and Massage

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Prioritize your health. Schedule your chiropractic care or massage appointment today.

Call 360-526-8977

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