Hello all past and current ASC patients, and those potentially interested in seeing us for chiropractic and/or massage care.
First of all, we at ASC want to let you know that we care greatly about you and your health! We miss you all and hope that normalcy returns in the near future.
Update: All of our office staff are vaccinated against COVID-19. Our Bellingham office is open for both chiropractic and massage.
How We’re Helping Control COVID-19 While Helping Patients
There are several encouraging pieces of information that suggest COVID-19 can be controlled in a health care environment with diligent patient selection, sanitization, and minimizing time and maximizing distance to the best of our abilities.
While chiropractic care is hands-on, we can do our part to minimize risk to all, and begin to help those with stress, anxiety, back pain, neck pain, headaches, and so much more.
You may know this, but your nervous system is key to your overall health, wellness, and functioning of your body. Chiropractic is the only health care system that addresses the function and wellness of your spine, allowing nervous energy to transmit more efficiently and freely through the body.
This improves health, reduces pain, improves function, and helps a multitude of conditions, like stress and anxiety.
And in our current COVID-19 health crisis, reducing stress and anxiety might be high on your list.
What We Need from You
We are here to serve you with your current needs, but we ask a few things before you call and come in:
– Dr. Curtis will be the only person in the office seeing patients, so please be on time, limit your phone calls, and self check your health status.
– Please wait in your car until your appointment time. We have a very small waiting room, and cannot maintain adequate spacing of patients if we all come early or late.
– Please wear a mask during your visit.
– We will have a RED/GREEN sign on the door. If it is RED, do not come in. If it is GREEN, please come in.
– Wash your hands immediately after you come in for at least 20 seconds with soap and hot water.
– If you have ANY signs or symptoms of Acute Respiratory Illness, i.e., fever, cough, shortness of breath, and/or possible digestive issues associated with any other symptoms, please do not come in.
– If you have been sick in the past 14 days, or have been in contact with anyone who was, please make sure your last exposure was at least 14 days before your next visit.
– If you have an active fever, are getting one, or just had one, please wait at least 14 days after your last known fever to call. If you are in emergent need of care, please call and discuss it with Dr. Curtis.
– If you have relatives, family, friends, or co-workers that are in high risk environments (ER, Shuksan Retirement community etc) and you have been in contact with them in the past 14 days, please wait the 14 days after last exposure to make an appointment.
– If you have had a cough, fever or other symptoms in the past 14 days, and we do authorize you to come in, please wear a mask.
– Use hand sanitizer provided before and after you come in. We can dispense if needed.
Please remember, OUR GOAL of re-opening is to help those in need. But, we cannot help anyone if an illness comes into our clinic, so please self evaluate, be thoughtful of those you will be in contact with, and take no risks.
If you have any questions, email, or call, and we will get back to you shortly.
We look forward to seeing you soon, and stay healthy!
Dr. Bob Curtis, DC, CCSP
Spine Care Physician
Advanced Sports Chiropractic and Massage